Emage, LLC

18 Ways to Boost Your Business in 2023
(As seen in Pittsburgh Avenue West Magazine) By Director, Emage LLC
Could your business use a push forward or a quick improvement? Here are a few ways to boost your business in 2023 courtesy of Emage, LLC.
1.) Look at it as an operation. Don't just look at your business as income and expenses. Evaluate the manner of how it functions, the moving parts. Make sure each part is working efficiently towards your goals.
2.) Market. Being open for business isn't enough, define your audience/customers and strategize how you're going to reach them.
3.) Humanize your business. Regularly connect to the community or charities. Come up with a schedule, maybe once a month or once a quarter. Your customers are people who relate to the human interest side of things, show the human side of your business.
4.) Make taxes your friend, not your enemy. Learn how to successfully manage your tax life by getting professional advice. JacksonGaines.com comes highly recommended.
5.) Promote. Keep your brand, product or service in front of people. If you are an exquisite caterer like Maria Morgan, make sure people know who you are, what you do, and how to get in contact with you. Operating out of Pittsburgh, her services are also available in Akron & Youngstown. Reach Maria at 770.334.6073.
6.) Make sales calls. You must make sales, so someone has to make sales calls. If you need help you can
use a sales agency like emagellc.com.
7.) Move at the speed of business. Use digital technology to perform tasks easier and faster.
8.) Visit emagellc.com frequently for more tips to boost your business or contact us for a courtesy
consultation about your business.
9.) Keep your business in front of the media by using Press Releases.
10.) Word of mouth is good for referrals, ask your enthusiastic customers to sing your praises on their
social media.
11.) Go after lost clients, apologize for whatever went wrong if known, and give them an incentive to return.
12.) Do something to show appreciation to your regular customers, reward their loyalty.
13) Don't under estimate the power of trading services, it can open the door to a big room.
14.) Instead of thinking outside the box, look at the box as a circle, now who do you want in your circle?
Strategize it.
15.) Offer to speak at a few events and functions for free, this is a great marketing and branding tactic.
16.) Create original content, share some information about your experience and knowledge, it makes you an authority in your field.
17.) Stay professional, don't get too relaxed on social media. You have a brand to uphold.
18.) Be a good person, it will translate into good business.
Contact the Sales Division of Emage, LLC
Ph: 412.722.9526 Email: info@emagellc.com
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